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Tony Nickerson

Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada


Tony has been involved with hunting dogs for the past 28 years. He first became involved with hounds and retrievers, and in more recent years his involvement has been with the versatile hunting breeds, specifically the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. On average, he bird hunts in the area between 30 and 40 days a year.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I have used other products and they have failed under field conditions. I need equipment that can stand up to the abuse from very tough dogs in rugged terrain.

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Dana has been training and hunting over dogs for some 30 years. He started out in New Hampshire hunting pheasants, woodcocks, grouse, and ducks with his Brittney spaniel, Maize.. They moved to Alaska and stayed for 6 years, then to Idaho for 3 years, before finally resting their roots in...Dana has been training and hunting over dogs for some 30 years. He started out in New Hampshire hunting pheasants, woodcocks, grouse, and ducks with his Brittney spaniel, Maize.. They moved to Alaska and stayed for 6 years, then to Idaho for 3 years, before finally resting their roots in...

Dana Giovannello

Dana has been training and hunting over dogs for some 30 years. He started out in New Hampshire hunting pheasants, woodcocks, grouse, and ducks with his Brittney spaniel, Maize.. They moved to Alaska and stayed for 6 years, then to Idaho for 3 years, before finally resting their roots in...

It all started with a yellow female that was owned by my Aunt and Uncle. They decided they couldn’t keep her due to the amount of energy she had. I was beside myself when they let me take her home.

	Once we got home we went straight to work! Missing parties,...It all started with a yellow female that was owned by my Aunt and Uncle. They decided they couldn’t keep her due to the amount of energy she had. I was beside myself when they let me take her home.

	Once we got home we went straight to work! Missing parties,...

David Robertson

It all started with a yellow female that was owned by my Aunt and Uncle. They decided they couldn’t keep her due to the amount of energy she had. I was beside myself when they let me take her home. Once we got home we went straight to work! Missing parties,...

Water Dog Kennels is located in Winlock, Washington, which is approximately 40 minutes south of Olympia.  The majority of their training is done in Lewis County on several different farms and offers some of the best training grounds in the state.  They also train in Fall City, Washington one day...Water Dog Kennels is located in Winlock, Washington, which is approximately 40 minutes south of Olympia.  The majority of their training is done in Lewis County on several different farms and offers some of the best training grounds in the state.  They also train in Fall City, Washington one day...

Andy Fontenot

Water Dog Kennels is located in Winlock, Washington, which is approximately 40 minutes south of Olympia.  The majority of their training is done in Lewis County on several different farms and offers some of the best training grounds in the state.  They also train in Fall City, Washington one day...

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