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Pete Lochner

Jonesboro, AR


Pete has been a long-time outdoorsman. He has been training his own dogs for many years and has recently become involved with HRC and SRS competitions. He is a member of the L'Anguille HRC and has long been a member of Ducks Unlimited. Pete has a passion for teaching people how to use training collars and duck calls.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I believe that SportDOG has the best product on the market. I have been using them for the last couple of years and enjoy their simplicity.

Favorite Products

WetlandHunter® 1825

Other Senior Prostaff

Living in rural Maine alongside the Saco River, waterfowling became a passion that started Eric on a road of working retrievers. Surrounding towns offered ample training grounds on which he began to build his understanding of how to teach a retriever to be a champion.

	Being a bit more than an...Living in rural Maine alongside the Saco River, waterfowling became a passion that started Eric on a road of working retrievers. Surrounding towns offered ample training grounds on which he began to build his understanding of how to teach a retriever to be a champion.

	Being a bit more than an...

Eric Bartlett

Living in rural Maine alongside the Saco River, waterfowling became a passion that started Eric on a road of working retrievers. Surrounding towns offered ample training grounds on which he began to build his understanding of how to teach a retriever to be a champion. Being a bit more than an...

man and dogman and dog

Chris Yielding

Chris owns and runs Backwater Cypress Retrievers in North-Central Arkansas. After starting back in 2016 with just a couple of dogs, he has built his business up to training a great number of dogs from many different states.

Don has been an amateur dog trainer for over 20 years. During that time he has been a member of the International organization Hunting Retriever Club (HRC) and is currently the Field Rep for the Clubs in the New England Region. Don has been hunting upland game and waterfowl all...Don has been an amateur dog trainer for over 20 years. During that time he has been a member of the International organization Hunting Retriever Club (HRC) and is currently the Field Rep for the Clubs in the New England Region. Don has been hunting upland game and waterfowl all...

Don White

Don has been an amateur dog trainer for over 20 years. During that time he has been a member of the International organization Hunting Retriever Club (HRC) and is currently the Field Rep for the Clubs in the New England Region. Don has been hunting upland game and waterfowl all...

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