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Pheasants Forever Collars SportDOG® Brand


St. Paul, Minn. – June 14, 2004 – SportDOG Brand, makers of electronic dog training systems, has become Pheasants Forever’s (PF) newest official national sponsor. Under the partnership, SportDOG® will make a financial contribution to PF’s wildlife habitat conservation mission and will donate new SportHunter SD-1200 systems to PF. The donated e-collars will be used as a fundraising item at Pheasants Forever banquets.

“SportDOG® is a company made up of people just like Pheasants Forever’s members - that is, passionate about sporting dogs and hunting with them,” explains Lance Tracy, the director of SportDOG®. “We are excited about this partnership, because Pheasant Forever’s work today will ensure that we all will have places to train and hunt our bird dogs in the future. The partnership makes a lot of sense for us as a business, but it makes even more sense as dedicated conservationists.”

“When we put a national partnership together, we look at the company’s dedication to conservation, their product’s quality, and our ability to create a mutually beneficial relationship,” adds Joe Duggan, Pheasants Forever’s vice president of corporate relations and marketing. “This partnership meets those requirements. Our members are dog owners, dog trainers, and dog lovers. And, SportDOG®’s e-training products are refreshingly easy to use and they offer a lifetime warranty. It’s a great match.”

In 2003, Pheasants Forever commissioned a Readex member survey. Following are the dog-related results of that survey:

• 49% Own electronic training collars
• 64% Own dogs
• 30% Own two or more dogs
• 84% Personally train their dogs
• 82% Use their dogs for hunting
• PF members spend over $18 million on dog food annually

Pheasants Forever is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife populations in North America through habitat improvement, land management, public awareness, and education. Such efforts benefit landowners and wildlife alike. Pheasants Forever has more than 108,000 members in over 600 local chapters across the continent.

For more information about Pheasants Forever, check out

About SportDOG Brand - SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation®, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark-control collars, containment systems, launcher electronics and other training aids.

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