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Press Room

Satellite Signal Disruption and Resolution for TEK Series Systems


Knoxville, Tennessee (October 18, 2019) – We have received reports of a disruption in the satellite signal used by our TEK 1.5 and 2.0 Series Systems.

These products, used with or without an e-collar, are used primarily by customers that hunt with dogs. They feature GPS+GLONASS satellite tracking to track a dog’s location out in the field.

The signal disruption started around October 7th. According to first reports, it typically occurs randomly between 1-3 hours each day on average, resulting in some owners not being able to identify their dogs’ location during a certain period of time. We have had reports of some dogs getting lost or separated from their owners during this disruption time.

This situation has been the highest priority for the SportDOG® team and we have been working around the clock to identify what is causing the signal disruption. We have identified that it is related to a new GLONASS satellite creating signal/conflict with our module. To resolve this issue, please visit and click on TEK 2.0 updates under the Support tab. From there, click on the SportDOG® Brand Companion Application download link which will allow you to update both your Handheld Device with Delorme maps (TEK 2.0) and Collar Receiver (TEK 1.5/2.0), separately, using the USB cable that came with your system.

In the meantime, if any customer of the TEK 1.5/2.0 products would like to report a signal disruption in their area, discuss other problems they are experiencing, or need assistance updating their system, we encourage you to contact us directly at:

United States / Canada
Phone: 800-732-0144

Outside US / CA
Phone: EU 00 800 18 18 20 20;
UK 0800 046 14 14;
ROI 1 800 81 43 02
Email: Visit the Support section

Australia / New Zealand:
Phone: AU 1800 786 608
NZ 0800 543 054

For more information on the SportDOG® TEK Series, please click here.

About SportDOG Brand - SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation®, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark-control collars, containment systems, launcher electronics and other training aids.

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