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SportDOG® Awards Funds To Illinois Youth Group For Conservation Project


Knoxville, Tenn. (January 10, 2010) - SportDOG Brand® has announced it will award $1,000 to the Young Guns, a youth group that is part of the Illinois Pioneer chapter of Pheasants Forever, for use in restoring 44 acres of upland game habitat. This annual grant is being awarded as part of SportDOG Brand's Kids in Conservation Fund®.

"Our chapter's volunteers have used the Young Guns program to get hundreds of youths outdoors and participating in shooting sports, fishing and hunting," said Dave Kaeding, president of the Illinois Pioneer Pheasants Forever.

The restoration project, which will be carried out by members of the Young Guns and adult volunteers in Ford County, Illinois, calls for the removal of invasive trees, a prescribed burn, interseeding of native grasses and forbs, and the planting of white pine windbreaks.

"Not only will pheasants have an improved nesting and roosting area, but many other species, including deer and turkeys, will benefit from the restoration," Kaeding said.

SportDOG Conservation Fund® was created to support conservation organizations and projects SportDOG Brand® customers care about. In 2009, the company extended the project to include Kids in Conservation as a way to lend support to and recognize groups and individuals whose efforts ensure wise use of natural resources for generations to come.

"This is the first grant we've awarded to a youth group as part of Kids in Conservation," said Eleanor Marshall with SportDOG Brand®. "The forward-thinking approach of this Illinois Pheasants Forever chapter in creating the Young Guns is exactly the type of initiative we're proud to support."

For more information on the SportDOG Conservation Fund®, visit Conservation leaders interested in learning about future grants are encouraged to contact Britney Starr at

About SportDOG Brand - SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation®, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark-control collars, containment systems, launcher electronics and other training aids.

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