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SportDOG® Brand Announces 3 Year Partnership With Delta Waterfowl


SportDOG Brand®, an industry-leading brand of electronic dog tracking and training products, has announced a 3-year continuation of their Corporate Partnership with Delta Waterfowl.

Delta Waterfowl is The Duck Hunters Organization™, a leading conservation group with origins dating to 1911. Headquartered in Bismarck, North Dakota, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Delta Waterfowl has developed several key programs, including Predator Management, Hen Houses and First Hunt, all of which are based on sound science. Delta works to produce ducks, conserve breeding duck habitat, enhance duck hunting opportunities, and ensure the continuing tradition of duck hunting in North America.

“We are pleased to continue our relationship with SportDOG Brand as a corporate partner,” said Jason Tharpe, chief operating officer of Delta Waterfowl. “We appreciate SportDOG for its quality retriever-training products, as well as for its continued strong support of waterfowl conservation.”

Along with providing support for their First Hunt mentor program, SportDOG Brand will also provide products for Delta Waterfowl’s grassroots fundraising efforts.

“SportDOG Brand and Delta Waterfowl have been proud partners since 2010, and we’re pleased to continue this partnership long into the future. Preserving habitat and promoting duck production are key to present and future generations of waterfowlers, and is something we’re very passionate about at SportDOG. The synergies we share with Delta Waterfowl make this a great partnership with a common goal – conservation!” said Chris Morgan, SportDOG Brand Director.

To find out more about the SportDOG Brand line of products, as well as the company’s many conservation initiatives, visit, or the SportDOG Brand Facebook and Twitter accounts. For more information about Delta Waterfowl, visit

About SportDOG Brand - SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation®, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark-control collars, containment systems, launcher electronics and other training aids.

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