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SportDOG Brand Joins Sportsmen’s Alliance Business Partner Program


Gear The Way You’d Design It®. That’s the motto of SportDOG® Brand, the newest member of the Sportsmen’s Alliance Business Partner program. SportDOG, manufacturers of remote dog training and tracking collars, bird launchers, containment systems, bark collars, and other dog-training accessories, has joined the industry-supported program at the elite Leader’s Club level in an effort to defend and expand hunting and dog training, and to protect the passions of their customers.

“The protection and advancement of our hunting heritage is key to future generations of outdoorsmen and women, and something we’re passionate about at SportDOG. We’re pleased to partner with Sportsmen’s Alliance, and support its legislative actions, as well as youth initiatives like the Trailblazer Adventure Program,” said Chris Morgan, SportDOG brand director.

Founded in 2003, SportDOG prides itself on building gear the way its customers and employees would want to use in the field – rugged, lightweight and reliable, with everything a dog trainer and owner could need.

“The Sportsmen’s Alliance is proud to partner with SportDOG as we work together to protect and advance our outdoor heritage. Our partnerships position the Alliance to lead the way, fighting for sportsmen in the courts, congress, and at the ballot box, so future generations can enjoy the very same aspects of the outdoors that we all know and love,” said Sean Curran, Sportsmen’s Alliance vice president of membership and development. “It’s impossible to win these battles alone and we’re grateful for the dedication of SportDOG to stand alongside us in the fight.”

About the Sportsmen’s Alliance: The Sportsmen’s Alliance protects and defends America’s wildlife conservation programs and the pursuits – hunting, fishing and trapping – that generate the money to pay for them. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation is responsible for public education, legal defense and research. Its mission is accomplished through several distinct programs coordinated to provide the most complete defense capability possible. Stay connected to Sportsmen’s Alliance: OnlineFacebookTwitter and Instagram.

About SportDOG Brand - SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation®, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark-control collars, containment systems, launcher electronics and other training aids.

Gear The Way You'd Design It