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SportDOG® Brand Launches New Venture To Support Youth Conservation Groups


Knoxville, Tenn. (April 20, 2009) - SportDOG Brand® has created a new initiative focused on recognizing tomorrow’s conservation leaders. As part of the company’s Conservation Fund, the aptly named “Kids in Conservation” program was formed to lend support to and recognize groups and individuals whose efforts ensure wise use of our natural resources for generations to come.

Kids in Conservation extends SportDOG Brand®’s current support of well-established conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever and the Ruffed Grouse Society, as well as numerous other grass-roots level conservation projects.

"Because conservation is all about the future, we thought what better way to highlight that message than to focus on the people who will ultimately be responsible for ensuring a bright future for wildlife habitat,” said Eleanor Marshall with SportDOG Brand®.

A key component of the Kids in Conservation program will be an annual grant program through which a contribution will be made to an enterprising, forward-thinking youth organization that has demonstrated enthusiasm and ambition with regard to habitat conservation.

The Conservation Fund’s Board of Directors will determine grant recipients based on applications from established youth/conservation groups who are able to present detailed plans for a project or series of projects aimed at improving or increasing wildlife habitat.

“Our Conservation Fund and, now, Kids in Conservation, reaffirms SportDOG Brand®'s high level of commitment to wildlife, sportsmen and sporting dog companions who accompany us in the field," said Williams. “The goals of this fund are in line with the goals of our outdoors-oriented employees and customers who, with us, recognize the importance of preparing for our future.”

For more information on SportDOG Brand® products and the company's conservation efforts via the Conservation Fund, visit the SportDOG Conservation Fund™ page.

To find out more, and for instructions on how to apply for a 2009 grant, check out Kids in Conservation.

About SportDOG Brand - SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation®, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark-control collars, containment systems, launcher electronics and other training aids.

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