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Don White

Hampton, NH


Don has been an amateur dog trainer for over 20 years. During that time he has been a member of the International organization Hunting Retriever Club (HRC) and is currently the Field Rep for the Clubs in the New England Region. Don has been hunting upland game and waterfowl all those years and knows the advantage of using a fully trained dog during demanding hunting situations. Don has personally trained several hunting retriever and upland champion Labs. He also competes in, as well as judges, HRC hunt tests throughout the U.S. and Canada, including the HRC Grand Hunt.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

The harsh environment I hunt and train dogs in here in north eastern United States demands reliable products and great customer support. SportDOG meets or exceeds my expectations in both areas.

Favorite Products

The WetlandHunter 1825 and the SportDOG Canine Athlete line of products.

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