Jerry R. Moore
Springhill, LA
Jerry R. Moore offers dog training, boarding, and grooming at his facility, along with the dog food Circle J Extreme Dog Fuel. Jerry has 24 years of dog training experience, including training for and participating in AKC hunt tests. He has titled several UKC and AKC dogs and trained police drug dogs for certification.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I was unhappy with the Tri-Tronics collar I was using. I love the new SportDOG units, especially the new SD-1825 and SD-1825CAMO models.
Favorite Products
I like the SD-1825 WetlandHunter® for a lot of reasons. It’s a two-dog collar, it comes in camo, and its new shape is easy to grip. I also like the fact that I can clip it on my belt or hang it on a lanyard.
http://www.circlejkennels.com/Other Senior Prostaff

Mark Van Zee
Mark owns and operates Drake Creek Kennels in Lincoln, NE. A retriever training kennel with a focus on Hunt Test level retrievers & waterfowl hunting dogs.

LTC Jim Morehouse
Raised in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, Jim was involved in hunting and birddogs from an early age. Upon graduation from college, he joined the US Army in 1967. He served until 1989, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After his retirement, Jim and his wife...

Next Generation GunDog Training
Andrew Barbouche and business partner Adam Levy own Next Generation GunDog Training in southern Minnesota. Next Generation GunDog Training is a full service retriever training facility focusing on AKC hunt test and gun dog training. We train retrievers for hunt tests, tournament hunting and for high-end gun dogs. Andrew has...