Tab Smith
Burley, ID
Having started Goose Pit Kennels in 1989, Tab has 18 years of professional dog training experience. He has competed along with his son in goose calling. He won the 2000 Idaho goose calling champions and the two-man goose calling championship in 2002. He is an area chairman for Ducks Unlimited. Tab knows what it takes to make a successful dog and a successful season.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
The reason why I use SportDOG Brand is their friendly customer service and I know their products work.
Favorite Products
WetlandHunter® 1825
http://www.goosepitkennels.com/Other Senior Prostaff

Bob D. Strong, DVM
Bob has worked with gun dogs all of his life. Whether it was chasing rabbits and quail in Western Kentucky as a boy, wading the backwaters hunting ducks in Illinois, or walking the fields of Kansas pushing roosters, it just seemed right to Bob to hunt behind a good dog....

Mike Tracy
Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

David Combs
David’s background comes from white-tailed deer and duck hunting. He competes and judges in the North American Hunting Retrieving Association (NAHRA). David has title 1 GMHR, 2 MHR, 3 WR, and 2 SR. His dog training focus is primarily on gun dogs and retrievers.