Baker McCool
Covington, TN
Baker comes from a long background of fishing and duck hunting, having grown up in the flyway in West Tennessee. He's a Delta Waterfowl committee member and West Tennessee HRC Vice President, and has competed in Super Retriever Series as an amateur. His dog Stella has qualified in the AKC hunt test and in the UKC hunt test as a Hunting Retriever Champion.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I've used the SD-3200, SD-400, SD-2000CAMO, and bark collars. I've hunted and trained with these products for the last 4 years and they're still working and holding a great charge.
Favourite Products
WetlandHunter® 1825
Other Senior Prostaff

David Siple
Dave's been training dogs with SportDOG Brand® remote trainers for over 6 years. He's trained heaps of labs for upland and waterfowl hunting.

Craig Leair
With ten years of training experience specialising in German Shorthairs and yellow Labs, Craig currently works as a guide and lives on a 750-acre game preserve that raises over 40,000 pheasants, chukars and Huns annually. Wern Valley Sportsman Club allows him to constantly train dogs in a bird-rich environment, resulting...

David Combs
David's background comes from white-tailed deer and duck hunting. He competes and judges in the North American Hunting Retrieving Association (NAHRA). David has title 1 GMHR, 2 MHR, 3 WR, and 2 SR. His dog training focus is primarily on gun dogs and retrievers.