Chris Akin
Jonesboro, AR
Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand Hunting Retriever Champions. They have also trained more than 3,000 duck dogs and family companions.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I've been with SportDOG Brand® since 2003. Since then, I've seen SportDOG go from a pretty young company to one of the top e-collar makers in the business. Their gear's been designed by trainers and hunters who know their stuff when it comes to creating a top-notch, reliable and sturdy e-collar. SportDOG's what we use at Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. every day.
Favourite Products
I use the ProHunter 2525 during training, 'cause it's easy to use and the remote's slim design makes it a breeze to chuck in my pocket. I switch to the WetlandHunter 1825 while hunting 'cause the remote is easy to hook on my waders and I always know where it is.
https://www.facebook.com/Webb-Footed-Kennel-245670845450167/Articles by Chris Akin

Proper Introduction to the E-Collar
The e-collar is a ripper of a tool. It can fine-tune a dog, extend your control, and even save an animal’s life. But here’s the thing: You gotta understand what it is. It’s not a magic bullet. I reckon it’s a polishing tool. It’s an enforcement tool and a distance minimizer. What...

Making the Case for E-Collar Simplicity
Depending on your background, your opinion about using an electronic training collar probably falls into one of three categories: 1) You reckon the modern e-collar is the best thing since sliced bread; 2) You reckon the evil 'shock' collar's got no place in dog training; or 3) You're scared to...

Pup’s First Hunt: Building Your Future
A puppy's first season, and more specifically, his first hunt, can be the most pivotal in his life as a gun dog. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and that impression can have a major impact on how a young dog is moulded into a hunting...
Other Senior Prostaff

Chris Jobman
Chris and his wife Eileen are the owner-operators of Flatlander Kennels in Western Nebraska. He's been training dogs for over 20 years and became a full-time professional in 2000. Flatlander Kennels specialises in training retrievers for hunting, HRC and AKC hunt tests, and the occasional field trial. Chris...

Brian Szczech
Brian's been training retrievers for over thirty years. He's a member of and competes his dogs in the Hunting Retriever Club circuit. He's personally owned and trained 3 Grand Hunting Retriever Champions/Master Hunters, one being GR HR CH Super Shooter of Ontario MH Hall of Fame...

Ed Bullard
Ed's got a long history of breeding, training, and competing with his bird dogs. He's been a keen outdoorsman his whole life. His focus is on training bird dogs and breeding Brittanys.