David Molyneaux
Newark Valley, NY
Dave's a judge for AKC pointing and retriever hunt tests as well as the North American Hunting Retriever Assoc. During the summer, he runs (Utility) North American Versatile Hunting Retriever Association classes at one of his top-notch retriever ponds. He's got a few titles under his belt, including several AKC Master level pointers and retrievers and Prize One Utility NAVHDA dogs, not to mention a Grand Master NAHRA dog. He owns a bunch of Master and Grand Master Level pointers, flushers, and retrievers, which he uses as brace mates to train top-tier clients' dogs.
He trains retrievers, flushers, and all breeds of pointing dogs year round. This is made possible due to radiant floor heating in the kennels and indoor/outdoor runs in all of the kennels. Their sanitary conditions are of the highest standards; there are absolutely no detectable canine odours.
Dave's methods of training are non-intimidating and proficient enough to work with many of the more sensitive dogs. Some of these breeds are ones that trainers do not like to take on because they are time-consuming and challenging. A trainer has to change training methods to compensate for these dogs' sensitivity.
Their training grounds consist of 90 acres with four dams. Two of the four dams are considered technical, with several islands, inlets, and fallen timber to create the realistic atmosphere in the retriever training process. There are strips of goldenrod and switchgrass for field training and alder thickets for training grouse and woodcock dogs. There are four Johnny Houses with bobwhite quail and Hungarian partridge placed throughout the property. All of the young dogs are started with pigeons, which vary from clipped winged, homers, and shooters.
Dave also offers one-on-one lessons to sporting dog owners of both retrievers and pointing dogs. All lessons conclude with written lesson plans instructions recapping what was just covered. Dave enjoys sharing his knowledge and passion for training dogs, which is why he conducts training seminars with many of the dog clubs in the northeast. This is and has been Dave’s passion.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I've been usin' 'em for yonks at me kennel and out in the field trainin' retrievers and pointin' dogs for a crust. I'm not keen on a collar I can't trust, and SportDOG collars are fair dinkum. I'm stoked with the latest e-collar models where I can rig one up for startin' pups and another on a medium settin', without havin' to stress about givin' a dog the wrong stimulation. The systems are pretty much foolproof, if you ask me.
Favourite Products
There are three products I rely on almost every day. My go-to system is the SD-1825 setup for two dogs. It's versatile enough to handle a wide range of currents and gives me the option of momentary or continuous stimulation depending on what's needed. The little SD-825 unit is tops for getting a young dog started on the 'whoa' command and for training on the bird poles. And lastly, I wouldn't dream of heading out into the field when there's going to be stress from either a long run or the scorching heat without SportDOG's C9 Hydration. I can clearly tell the difference between the dogs that are on this product and those that aren't.
http://www.davesgundogtraining.comOther Senior Prostaff

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