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Gear The Way You'd Design It®

Kirk Moffitt

Billings, Montana


Me dad was a keen bird hunter and a bit of a dog trainer on the side, and I grew up surrounded by dogs. I've been workin' with all sorts of huntin' breeds for over 50 years, includin' pointers, flushers, and retrievers. Me old man brought over a Brittany sheila from France back in '58, and I was smitten with the breed. Started Roche Jaune Brittany's 30 years back, and I've been breedin' and trainin' top-notch gun dogs ever since.

I've been keen on hunting pheasant, Hungarian partridge, sharptail grouse, and waterfowl around me home in Montana for yonks, and I'm all about the days out in the bush with a top-notch dog. I've been guiding hunters after upland birds for over 20 years.

I've been involved with the Yellowstone Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever since it kicked off 23 years ago, taking on the role of board chairman for 13 years, and running the youth hunt for 20 years. We've got the biggest and longest youth hunt in the U.S., and we've introduced heaps of young'uns to bird hunting and top dogs. When I'm not busy with dogs and hunting, you'll find me fly fishing on me favourite river and soaking up the beauty of living in Montana.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I've used several brands of e-collars since they were introduced. SportDOG Brand is by far the most reliable and user-friendly collar on the market, and their customer service is unmatched.

Favourite Products

I really like the WetlandHunter 1825, UplandHunter 1875, and am currently enjoying the new TEK 2.0.

Gear The Way You'd Design It