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Gear The Way You'd Design It®

Tom Keer


Tom Keer is an award-winning writer, columnist and blogger who regularly writes for over a dozen outdoor magazines. He owns The Keer Group, a full-service, outdoor marketing company and hunts and fishes with his wife and kids. Don't hold it against him, but he's a setter bloke. Visit him at or at

Articles by Tom Keer

Two Setters on point in woodsTwo Setters on point in woods

Improve Your Dog Work by Hunting for a Different Species

If I were to look back on me bird hunting life, the overwhelming amount of me days in the field were spent chasing Ruffed grouse and woodcock. The focus of me attention has been in New England and Canada, and if I were to drill down even more New Hampshire...

English setter with aEnglish setter with a

Working with Different Dogs

I’m a setter bloke. I’ve owned Irish setters and English setters, and one day I’ll probably own a Gordon setter. I like the way they hunt with their heads held high, their energy, and their easy-going natures. Setters are fond of people, and even better than that they love having a job...

Holding your Kids' Attention When They Are YoungHolding your Kids' Attention When They Are Young

Holding your Kids’ Attention When They Are Young

When my daughter and son were younger, they both wanted to be firies. That passion came about after our local Fire Chief Joe and his crew visited their school. The demonstration included an inspection of the fire truck, the helmets, the axes and pike poles, and the siren. I thought...

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Gear The Way You'd Design It