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Gear The Way You'd Design It®
yellow lab puppy running towards camera

Leading the Pack

Posted by The SportDOG Staff

Spring's just around the corner (well, that's what the weather experts reckon) which usually means there's a bunch of new pups to train. As you start to work with your new little mate for hunting, it's crucial to remember that dogs are pack animals and they're always on the lookout for a leader. If it isn't you, it'll be them, and that's gonna make training a real hassle. Like we've said heaps of times before, you should be training your dog, not the other way around. Making sure you're the top dog from the get-go will help make training a whole lot easier. This doesn't mean you have to win food fights, beat an enemy, or yell 'I'M THE TOP DOG' in your pup's face (though, do tell us how it goes if you give those methods a crack). Becoming the top dog is a piece of cake if you follow these tips:

Be Strong- Look, we all know pups are adorable. 'Puppy-dog eyes' is a saying for good reason. They're tiny, cute and look the picture of innocence. It's bloody tempting to go easy on them when they're this little, but you're just asking for trouble later on. Stand firm when you're giving your puppy an order. Not saying you should be harsh or yell, but speak with a firm tone and help your little mate follow through with what you're asking.

Involve Everyone- Your pup needs a consistent relationship with everyone in his family. All the good can be undone if he knows he can get away with certain inappropriate behaviours around different members of the family. Make sure your entire family understands the importance of training and communicating with your new addition. Sending mixed signals will confuse your dog and ultimately make training much more difficult.

Be Consistent- No matter how long the day's been, how knackered you are or how much is going on, consistently pull up your dog for inappropriate behaviour and reward her for good behaviour. This sets the expectation that you're the boss and good behaviour will warrant positive results. If your dog is allowed to get away with misbehaviour they'll start challenging your authority.

These 3 simple steps will help you and your dog establish a good working relationship to make training smoother.

Gear The Way You'd Design It