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Yellow lab lying down in front of waterfowl gear

Teaching the Drop Command

Posted by Gary Sheffer

Down, sometimes referred to as the Down Stay command, is a strong control command. Down is an essential command for all types of working and non-working dogs. The command can be used in a boat, hide, or field. I find it very useful after the hunt, to check the dog for injuries or removing burrs. The following is an in-depth overview of the Down command. Also, check out Tom Dokken's video below for a visual guide to teaching the down command.

The right way for the Down or Down Stay is for the dog to be flat on the ground with its head between its front legs. The dog should stay put and not be allowed to move about. Your doggo should've already been trained to sit and heel on the lead. I reckon a training table's real handy for teaching the command. Other gear you'll need is a training collar, short lead, check cord, whistle, heel stick, and a SportDOG® E-Collar.

While the dog's on a short lead, drop the lead beside the dog. With your left hand, press down on the back of the dog's neck. With your right

lift the front legs of the dog up and forward and give the command 'drop'. If the dog tries to lift his backside, stop this by pushing down on the lower back area with one hand while keeping the head down with the other. Keep the dog in this position for 30 seconds. Give the dog a calm pat but don't get him too worked up. The dog should stay flat on the ground. Repeat the 'drop' command with every correction. The dog will learn that no pressure is applied as long as he stays in the drop position.

After the dog has stayed in the down position for a short while, give the 'come' command and with the short lead walk the dog at heel. The 'come' command should be given to release the dog from down every time. Repeat these steps several times or until the dog stays down without correction from the handler. Eventually the handler can take his hands off the dog and stand over the dog.

Here's when you can start using the e-collar. Always check your SportDOG manual or get in touch with SportDOG directly if you're unsure about how to use your collar. You can fit the e-collar on your dog's neck the other way round. It should sit on the back of your dog's neck. Make sure to use the gentlest correction that does the job. By flipping the collar, the stimulation is felt on the back of the neck, which is like a tap with a stick or the force from the trainer.

The dog now must go 'drop' on the command and not be forcibly placed. With the dog sitting at heel, run the long lead from the dog's collar under the handler's left foot and hold in the left hand. With the stick in your right hand give the 'drop' command. Raise your right hand vertically as a visual signal to the dog.

At the same time, give the lead a sharp tug upwards, bringing the dog to the ground. If the dog tries to stand, quickly correct it with the stick. The e-collar can be handy here too. A second handler might be needed to work the collar. Handler #1's got their hands full with the lead and stick. If the dog fights the upward pull on the lead, a swift correction with the E-Collar to the back of the neck can take the place of the stick's tap. This is a good way to transition to having the dog off the lead and at a distance.

When the dog's got the hang of the 'drop' command on the lead, it's time to teach him to 'drop' from a distance. With the dog on the check cord, in an enclosed shed or fenced yard. Drop the lead and let the dog be several metres from the handler. When the dog's not expecting it, give the command 'drop' and lift your right arm straight up. The dog should follow the command straight away. If the dog doesn't follow the command after correction, as with all parts of training, take a step back and repeat the training until the dog's nailed it.

Take your time training the 'drop' command; always remember the dog must understand what you want it to do. Always quickly correct any refusal or stuff-ups made by the dog if it fails to correctly perform the command 'drop'. Again praise the dog when the dog does well, but don't go overboard with the praise and get the dog all excited. The dog must obey the command 'drop' every time without hesitation.

Good luck with the training and happy hunting,

About Gary

Gary Sheffer has been hunting upland game for 15 years. Training Labs and German shorthairs for upland hunting is my speciality. Whether hunting pheasant or quail in Indiana, it's a great feeling to see a dog that I've trained point a bird and then retrieve it.

Gary Sheffer

Monticello, IN

Gary's been hunting upland game for 15 years. Training Labs and German shorthairs for upland hunting is his speciality. Whether it's chasing pheasants or quails in Indiana, it's a top feeling to watch a dog he's trained point out a bird and then fetch it.

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