Support Topic

The GPS Collar/E-Collar module is not responding to the Handheld Device.

  • Make sure the GPS Collar/E-Collar Module has been recently charged. If not, they will all need to charge for two hours.
  • Once the units are fully charged, take all the units outside to an area in direct line of sight of the sky, then turn the units on and verify that the GPS Collar/E-Collar Module has actually turned on by checking the light or lights on the collar units.
  • For the GPS Collar, press the on/off button until the GPS Indicator light come on green, then release. The GPS Collar will beep 1 to 5 times indicating which channel the collar is on, and the GPS Indicator Light will double blink every 3 seconds until GPS lock has been achieved. Once the GPS Collar has a GPS lock, the GPS Indicator light will single blink every 3 seconds.
  • For the E-Collar, press the on/off button until the E-Collar indicator Light comes on green, then release. The E-Collar Module will beep 1 to 5 times indicating which channel the collar is on.
  • If both units are on and still not communicating with the Handheld Device, check to be sure that the collar has the correct colour assigned to it and then try to pair the collar to the correct colour. 
  • If the units are still not communicating, please contact us.
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