Jeffrey Wood
Stringer, MS
Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training programme for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts with his squirrel dogs and has many local, state, and national titles to his credit.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
We expect our equipment to be reliable on an everyday basis. SportDog brand is our collar of choice and has never let us down. SportDog user-friendly collars make our job much easier. The reliability, warranty, price and customer service make SportDog a total winner for our Kennels.
Favourite Products
http://www.etehomacreekkennels.net/Other Senior Prostaff

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