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Joe Pausha

Fond du Lac, WI


Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specialising in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customises training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st through 5th place at a National Upland Hunting competition. Joe competes in upland tournaments throughout the country, including the Tournament Hunter World Championship Invitational. He enjoys watching dogs work and has enjoyed training hunters and their dogs for the past 5 years.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I use SportDOG products because they are reliable and versatile. I use the Add-A-Dog option and the collars are easy to use. They have never let me down.

Favourite Products

I use the SD-1800 for all my training along with the Add-A-Dog® collars. I also use the DSL-400 beeper on all my pointers and pointing labs. I also believe the SBC-18 Bark collar is the best on the market.

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