Nathan Fields
Butler, KY
Nathan started hunting raccoons with his neighbours when he was 10. He began competing in hunts when he was 14. He has been the President of Sun Valley Coon Club in Crittenden, Kentucky for 10 years. His achievements to date include over $31,000 career earnings in PKC. He has reached the final 20 several times in the PKC, AKC, and UKC world championships. His most recent victory was being a semi-finalist in the 2012 autumn superstakes. Some of the recent dogs he's owned or handled are Gold. Ch WT’s Wild Buck, and Gold CH, Gr. Nite ch. Mojo On Tapp. When not hunting, Nathan enjoys wildfowl hunting and angling for bass. He is also a fan of UK and Cincinnati Reds. His family includes his wife Ann and his son Ryan.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I use Sportdog because all the staff are hunters and realise you need a dependable product in the field. I also think the customer service is the best in the business. Being able to call and talk to someone about your product questions means a lot in today’s world.
Favourite Products
I use the 3225, Tek 1.0, the anti-bark collars, and the C9 series supplements.
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