Where to Begin with Puppy Training
Posted by The SportDOG StaffThere are several different things that need to be done for and with a new puppy.
First and foremost ensure all pup's vaccinations are timely and up to date. Find a local vet and arrange an appointment for your new companion. This is one of the many places you need to take your dog to socialise him/her. In my opinion, socialisation of your puppy is the most crucial aspect of preparing your pup for life in the wider world. A dog that hasn't been socialised may face issues throughout its life, whether it's being scared of new or unfamiliar people or being frightened by the lawn mower! Any dog, particularly a gundog, needs to be ready and able to adapt to new situations swiftly and effectively. I usually recommend starting socialisation training at 9-10 weeks, but this can vary depending on the pup. For some, this is too soon, and for others too late. Try to assess the temperament and receptiveness of your dog to new experiences. The aim is to make your dog comfortable in various scenarios, not to scare it.
The best thing you can do to start is take your pup with you everywhere you feasibly can. Family gatherings, tailgating at ball games or anywhere with large groups of people will be good for your new partner. Introducing your pup to gunfire is an entirely different process, and can wait until your dog is a little older. There's plenty of time for that, and much more, down the road. For now, focus on basic training and socialisation.
After some socialisation training, it's time to get into the really fun stuff: basic training. Head to your local sports shop or order a puppy training kit online that includes the following: puppy-size training dummies, a Roy Gonia™ training whistle, and a check cord. Now you're ready to get your puppy excited about retrieving! The most common mistake made when attempting this is throwing too many dummies for your pup. In each session, 2-3 retrieves is the number you want to aim for. You should finish each session with your mate eager for that retrieving dummy! If you throw too many dummies/bumpers your dog might lose interest.
Also, keep each session brief to start with, as the pup still doesn't have a large attention span. Sessions that are too long can do more harm than good. Two to three brief sessions daily is a sensible starting point (5 minutes per session). It's crucial not to impose any formal discipline on the pup at this stage. All sessions should be enjoyable and playful during this initial phase of training. You're still forging a bond with your new mate, and you wouldn't want to overburden him. Another vital tip is to avoid steadying your pup too soon! By steadying, I mean holding the pup back on a retrieve until sent by you. If you steady your dog prematurely, you might suppress his eagerness to retrieve, and we aim to enhance that eagerness as much as possible at this stage in his life.
Using duck wings or pigeon wings in a corridor in your house is one way to introduce pup to feathers as well as increasing desire. In your corridor, close all doors so that pup can only go down the corridor after the wing or dummy and straight back to you. This limits his range and his ability to develop bad habits.
Crate training is a very important step in puppy training. The travel crate should be where your dog sleeps and is kept until you are ready to pay attention to him. This is a critical in pup’s life: it is his safe place and nothing bad should happen to him while he is in his crate. Remember canines are den dwelling animals and that is pup’s home! Also remember to always be consistent with your dog. Don’t allow him a freebie one day then punish him the next. Consistency is very important in dog training.
If you have plenty of time to spend with pup it is best to find a local club or group to get help and advice from for further and more advanced training techniques. If you don’t have much time, it may be best to locate a professional trainer for your pup. There are also plenty of books and videos to give you step by step instructions.
Always check your local and state regulations related to dog training and the use of game birds on private and public property.

The SportDOG Staff
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