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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


Advanced, Basic, Hound, Puppy, Upland, Waterfowl

Yellow lab sitting in field.Yellow lab sitting in field.

Training Your Retriever for Double Duty

by Charlie Jurney

If you own a waterfowl dog, chances are that sooner or later you’re going to ask it to perform upland duty. It might be a pheasant hunt as a sideline to your Dakota duck hunt, or maybe an afternoon of quail hunting after a morning goose hunt. Most retrievers handle...

Yellow lab swimming next to two duck decoys returning from a retrieveYellow lab swimming next to two duck decoys returning from a retrieve

Don't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to Decoys

by Charlie Jurney

In our excitement to build a retriever into a top-notch waterfowl dog, it’s easy to forget small but important details. For example, your dog might make you proud when he completes a long retrieve. But the first time you ask him to swim through four dozen decoys to retrieve a...

Yellow lab in orange e-collar behind tall yellow grass.Yellow lab in orange e-collar behind tall yellow grass.

Getting Your Retriever in the Thick of Things

by Rick Grant

If you were going to go pheasant hunting on a farm where you’d never been before, where would you start your search? You would probably head for the thickest cover because you know that’s where birds feel safest and therefore tend to hang out the most, right? Well, when you...

Retriever Training: The Transition to WaterRetriever Training: The Transition to Water

Retriever Training: The Transition to Water

by Tom Dokken

Retrievers love water, so you wouldn’t think that transitioning from land retrievers to water retrieves would be difficult. It isn’t, as long as you follow a few simple guidelines. The key to a smooth introduction and continued improvement on water retrieves is to work in baby steps, just like you did...

Yellow lab laying down being petted while in crateYellow lab laying down being petted while in crate

Understanding Canine Influenza

by The SportDOG Staff

If you have been watching the news lately or reading metropolitan newspapers, you may have noticed articles about a “new” flu outbreak in dogs. In some sections of the country, veterinarians are reporting a near-panic situation around this canine flu news. Here are the facts. Canine Influenza Virus is a relatively...

man walking with black lab on leash while hold training dummiesman walking with black lab on leash while hold training dummies

Straight Talk About Protein for Hunting Dogs

by The SportDOG Staff

As I travel across the country attending field trials, visiting kennels and hunting, I get a lot of questions about dog food for some reason. One topic that stimulates many questions is protein quality and protein’s role in dog nutrition. Protein is required by the body for two reasons: To provide...

man petting black lab dog on tailgateman petting black lab dog on tailgate

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

by Charlie Jurney

I talked about getting the pick of the litter in Part 2 of this article series. Now you have to decide whether you want a started dog or a finished dog. So now you know what you’re looking for in a puppy, but what if you do not want to deal...

Young boy sitting with black lab. Both looking to sky for ducks.Young boy sitting with black lab. Both looking to sky for ducks.

Hunting with Kids

by The SportDOG Staff

Hunting with kids is an entirely different animal. There are two very important things we must all remember. First, it’s all about the kids, not you. Second, no matter how mature you think a kid is, they do not think like an adult. Let’s look at the first one; it’s...

black lab walking on heel with man who is holding leashblack lab walking on heel with man who is holding leash

Where to Start with a Finished Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

I get clients from time to time that want a dog that is already well on its way to being trained. They don’t want to go through puppyhood and all the pleasures of house breaking, chewing, obedience, and those razor sharp teeth. No, they want a dog that is between...

Building a Steady RetrieverBuilding a Steady Retriever

Building a Steady Retriever

by Tom Dokken

A retriever that remains calm in a duck blind and concentrates on watching birds fall is a joy to hunt with. In a perfect world, that’s how all retrievers would behave. While a steady retriever is something that most hunters want, the reality is that very few retrievers are truly...

handheld transmitterhandheld transmitter

Picking the Right E-Collar

by Tom Dokken

Purchasing your first SportDOG Brand® remote training collar or upgrading from an older model isn’t particularly difficult, but it does require some thought about which features are most important to you and how the collar is going to be used. Thankfully, SportDOG offers enough products that you can easily match...

setter panting next to dog crate.setter panting next to dog crate.

Dealing with a Heat-Related Emergency

by The SportDOG Staff

We lose more dogs to heat-related emergencies than almost any other. If you take preventive measures before heading out to the field, there’s much less of a chance your dog will get into trouble. But when a dog starts to show signs of heat stress, knowing how to deal with...

Charlie Jurney kneeling by yellow lab holding white plastic dummyCharlie Jurney kneeling by yellow lab holding white plastic dummy

Training Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce More

by Charlie Jurney

No matter how good our intentions, we hunters and dog trainers as a whole commit one error that sets our training progress back and creates additional problems. We commit this error over and over again, and it’s vitally important to recognize it and fix it. What am I talking about?...

Setter running through tall grass.Setter running through tall grass.

Building a First Aid Kit

by The SportDOG Staff

My background is a bit different than many of the dog handlers on the SportDOG® ProStaff. I’m a tactical paramedic. I work with law enforcement and service dogs. In fact, I’ve never hunted with dogs. However, I’ve trained explosive-detection canines, and I specialize in cadaver dogs. Today, I teach canine...

Setter on point wearing GPS collarSetter on point wearing GPS collar

How You Helped Build TEK 2.0

by The SportDOG Staff

Hunting season is upon us. Excitement is high for the whole hunting community, but we’d bet no one is quite as pumped as we are about what’s coming this season. TEK 2.0 will be hitting retailers near you this season! It’s hard to fully express how excited we are about...

pile of waterfowl gear. focus on camouflaged e-collar systempile of waterfowl gear. focus on camouflaged e-collar system

Season is Coming - A Checklist for Opening Day

by The SportDOG Staff

The most anticipated time of the year is upon us…Opening Day! As you and your hunting buddies plan the first big trip, it’s important to make sure you’re fully ready for what lies ahead. There’s nothing worse than getting out in the field and realizing you’re missing equipment, something got...

Gear The Way You'd Design It