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Gear The Way You'd Design It®

Bob Ford

Ramey, PA


Bob's been hunting with beagles from Alabama to the Quebec border chasing swamp rabbits, the eastern cottontail, and hares. He's had beagles since 1985 and trains his dogs all year, sometimes entering field trials, but always getting his pack fit and ready for the rabbit hunting season. Ford's a top-notch writer and a regular contributor to the leading beagle hunting mags--Hounds and Hunting, The American Beagler, and Better Beagling. His favourite sound is a mob of beagles baying through a valley on a misty morning, and he's keen on classic American side by side shotguns. Ford's part of The Outdoor Writers Association of America, The Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, and the Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers. He's out in the scrub with his dogs at the crack of dawn most days, and you can learn more about him at

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I use SportDOG 'cause they're the innovators in the industry of training collars. Sure, there are other companies that get global positioning—and they're committed to heaps of projects. SportDOG is all about the sporting dog, as the name suggests. When it comes to customer service, you'll have no worries ringing up the company and getting a hand from fellow dog lovers who both get the tech and fully appreciate your goals as a hunter. It's SportDOG's single-minded focus on developing gear for training and conditioning canine hunting mates that impresses me.

Favourite Products

As a beagler my biggest worry is knowing where me pack is, especially if the hunt takes us near roads. SportDOG tracking tech is me favourite product.

Gear The Way You'd Design It